Seven Tips for Starting Supervision in Private Practice

Tip #1 Know Who You Can Work With

            -State and Board Requirements


Tip #2 Explore Who You Want to Work With


            -Unlicensed pursuing licensure

-Licensed pursuing specialty

            -Admin vs. Clinical supervision


Tip #3 Identify Pricing

            -Accessibility to new grads

            -Years of experience


            -Degree of training

            -Individual vs. group supervision


Tip #4 Streamline Paperwork


            A. Expectations

            B. Frequency of meeting

            C. Contact info

            D. Critical Incidences

            E. Paperwork signing

            F. Termination of supervision

            G. Documentation of meetings



            A. Level of supervision experience

            B. Supervision style

            C. Training and education


Tip #5 Embrace Training

            -ACS Credential

            -State and Board requirements

            -Continued Education


Tip #6 Master Marketing

            -Supervisor Directories



            -Website landing page and SEO

            -Alum Listserves

            -Professional Organizations Listserves


Tip #7 Craft Interview Questions



            -Grab our list for ideas!



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