Colorado Licensed Professional Counselor Changes


For DORA Colorado Licensed Professional Counselor Supervision changes effective 9/1/2021, there are three elements required to provider supervision to LPCCs.

  1. 3,000 or 3 years of clinical experience

  2. Clinical supervision training

  3. Supervision disclosure provided to all supervisees

    The options for clinical supervision training are:

1) Complete an ACS course of 45 hours (Noeticus has a fantastic one, or there are some great ones online)

2) Complete 6 contact hours of clinical supervision training

3) Complete 2 semester hours of clinical supervision training in a graduate school program.

Most professionals are starting with the 6 hour commitment to prove competency, which must be completed by 9/1/2021 to supervise any LPCC clinicians. After the 6 hour commitment, there is a 3 hour Continued Education requirement every licensure renewal period (every 2 years)

Supervisionary's training options include a 2.0 hour live webinar (next one TBD), and 3.0 hour bundles of on-demand video courses depending on preference. We will have 1.0-4.0 hours of CEs available for this purpose depending on how you mix and match. See all the courses available here!

CCA (Colorado Counseling Association) partnered with supervision trainers like Supervisionary to put together a 6 hour on-demand video course in 2021. This would be the most cost effective option for someone with little to no supervision training as they assure us it will be low cost. Learn more about it here!

Lastly, Here are the full supervision requirements from DORA, focusing on Page 7 regarding the new supervision requirements!