FAQs for Colorado LPCC Hours and Supervision: 2024 Edition
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
Supervisionary, LLC is passionate about all things clinical supervision. We also recognize that folks are looking for information on LPCC supervision and hours towards LPC licensure in Colorado, so we thought we’d tackle some common questions from our community, with information outlined and provided by DORA.
1. How many hours of experience does an LPCC need in order to apply for their LPC?
2,000 hours in a minimum of 2 years.
2. How many of those hours are direct hours?
1500 of the 2000 must be direct hours.
3. What counts as direct hours?
Client-facing work like individual therapy, couples therapy, family therapy, intakes.
4. What counts as indirect hours?
Case management, treatment plan writing, care coordination, client outreach for scheduling.
5. How many hours of supervision are required for an LPCC’s 2000 hours?
100 hours of supervision are required. DORA states “regular’ supervision of 50 hours per 1,000 hours of experience. This could mean weekly or biweekly supervision or less frequent if an LPCC has a small caseload. The frequency of supervision is decided between supervisor and supervisee and should be outlined in a supervision contract.
6. What do we need to know about supervision of an LPCC?
A.Hours of experience only count once the LPCC designation is awarded by DORA to the candidate
B. Supervision must be by a licensed professional who meets the minimum supervision requirements for supervising LPCCs. (3000 hours of experience, 6+ hours of supervision training, supervision disclosure, and 3 hours of CE every license renewal)
C. Supervision must occur in the same time frame as accruing experience hours.
This information is for educational purposes only and should not replace any information provided by DORA themselves. Be sure to familiarize yourself with DORA’s website and information as it is subject to change.
Review all DORA documents at https://dpo.colorado.gov/ProfessionalCounselor/LawsRulesPolicies