Where Can I Find a Clinical Supervisor?

A question we’ve received in this new year is all about finding a quality clinical supervisor. The first step is finding someone who can supervise you based on your goals, such as a desired specialty, signing off on licensure hours, or finding someone who offers telesupervision due to having a limited pool of professionals to choose from in your area.

 Here are some supervision directories to get you started:


1. Supervisor Directory https://supervisordirectory.com/


2. Motivo https://motivohealth.com/


3. The Professional Clinical Supervision Directory™  https://clinicalsupervisiondirectory.com/


Another option is to do a google search using specific keywords, such as “LCSW supervisor” or “EMDR supervisor” to find possible candidates. Once you identify possible supervisors, ask to interview them regarding fit. This is your opportunity to learn more about their supervision style, training, background, specialities, price point, and more!


Questions to consider asking a potential supervisor include:


1. What is your supervision background and training experience?


2. What modalities do you use in clinical supervision?


3. How often do you expect to meet with your supervisees?


4. What is included in your contract for clinical supervision?


5. How do you gauge progress with supervisees?


6. How would you describe your supervision style?


7. Are you available for questions between supervision meetings?


8. What is the cost of supervision with you and what does it entail (admin vs. clinical, etc)


9. How do you encourage feedback from supervisees who work with you?


10. What qualities in a supervisee are the best fit in working with you?


Please don’t miss this opportunity to ask candid, transparent questions with these potential leaders and mentors who may be a part of your professional journey! It’s an emotional and professional investment to work with a clinical supervisor, therefore we hope this gives you some direction in finding the best fit!