Stellar Supervision Series: Finding the Right Fit Supervisor

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Stellar Supervision Series is a video series featuring clinical supervisors who provide empowered leadership ideas that shape the field of mental health. Shannon’s video interview on finding the right fit supervisor can be found here.

Thank you Shannon for being one of our featured experts! Tell our viewers who you are and what you do! Why do you offer Supervision?

I'm Shannon Heers, founder of Firelight Supervision and owner of Catalyss Counseling, a group counseling practice in the Denver-metro area. I'm an LPC and Approved Clinical Supervisor. I've been providing clinical supervision for provisionally licensed counselors, and clinical consultation for licensed therapists, for over 15 years. I offer supervision because I believe that clinical supervision and consultation are the best way to develop professionally, combat burnout, and get the support and mentorship needed to do the hard counseling work in our field.

You speak about the importance of finding a best fit supervisor. Why is this important to you?

It's important to know that you do have a choice in who your clinical supervisor is. You have options of working with a clinical supervisor who has experience in your same or similar areas, with similar populations, and using your preferred theoretical modalities. This is important because everyone learns better when you're interested in what you're learning, and who you're learning it from. Finding a supervisor who works well with your style and personality is so important for your continued growth.

What does this challenge look like in supervision?

Often, we're assigned our clinical supervisors by an agency or group practice owner. Your administrative supervisor is often also your clinical supervisor. But that doesn't mean that you need to only get clinical supervision from this person. You can seek out private supervision or consultation with a supervisor who better fits your interests, population, and theoretical orientations.

What ideas do you have for supervisors or supervisees with finding the best fit? Skills or questions to ask?

Definitely interview at least a few potential supervisors when looking for a good fit for yourself. Ask about their clinical experience as well as their supervision experience. Ask about supervision-specific trainings and models they use. Ask about their style, and how they supervisor. Ask if they provide both individual and group supervision, and what these sessions look like. Consider location, virtual options, and price also, but don't make a decision solely based on price.

Where can people find you to work with you? (social, website etc)

Check out Firelight Supervision at You can browse our supervisor bios and our supervision and consultation services, and see what group offerings we have. Follow us on